

x360ce_64 x360ce_64

Copy the 3 Files x360ce_圆4.exe, x360ce.ini, and xinput1_3.dll to the Main FiveM folder, (with the exe and application data folders.) See Screenshot below!.Make sure to combine all to controller one after setup.


Run x360ce and Setup your controllers.Download x360ce, and extract to a empty folder.Then copy your x360ce.ini from that install!! There are plenty of videos and explanations for this on Youtube. For that just get it setup for GTA single-player the way you like and test there. I DO NOT go in depth with how to setup your controller, nor how to set deadzones etc. So to get it to work in some fashion I have finally figured out how to get x360ce Working with FiveM similar to how I use it for GTA Online. Okay guys after being accepted into a RP community that doesnt allow client scripts, I cannot use the Manual Transmission mod for my G27. I assume your just here to add a flight stick or Wheel, But if you want your original controller to work too You will NEED to have it setup in x360ce or it will be IGNORED by the game. (Just a side note as I found out later, your touchpad buttons wont work with scp, If you want to keep them working, use x360ce instead of SCPtoolkit!) NO extra Setup!! (I Believe there is a blue-tooth setup option with that driver as well) PS4 Controller User’s, Though this will work for you, You would be better off using a Driver called SCPToolkit which will make your PS4 Controller show up to windows as if it were a 360 controller, It is much easier to setup, and works out the box with ALL games a 360 controller works with. G27/G29/ETC Racing Wheel Users! Check if your server has client scripts ENABLED (Lambda menu works for instance.) If It Does Use this mod Instead it IS INFINATELY BETTER!!! Manual Transmissions By IKT Even if you want AUTOMATIC Use this!!! Full Forcefeedback, 900 Degree Rotation, 1:1 steering, Clutch, H shifter, Sequential Shift and many more reasons! Do NOT use x360ce when you have this option!!!
